
Energy price increases: Tips to avoid bill shock

July 1, 2022

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July 1 isn't just the start of a new financial year - it's also the date many of us have been dreading due to energy price increases. 

Yes, NSW, south-east Queensland and South Australia: as of July 1, your energy prices are about to soar skywards. And Victorians, you'll see an increase too. 

But there are multiple, simple and budget-priced ways to reduce your energy costs especially when it comes to keeping warm this winter.

Insulate and seal your surrounds

Australia's home insulation standards are incredibly poor compared to the majority of western countries.

In 2005, University of Melbourne research for the Australian Greenhouse Office found that Australia's Five Star minimum standards were actually about Two Stars below the equivalent standards in the UK, US and Canada, while Europe was "miles ahead" when it came to housing design standards.

So if you're constantly shivering indoors, even on a sunny calm day, consider insulation.

Oh, and while you're inspecting your roof and walls, seal any draughts or gaps you find.

This doesn't have to be expensive or difficult with even a basic "door snake" doing wonders for your warmth.

Don't forget other simple warm-up ideas such as laying down thick rugs or having a snuggly throw on your couch for chilly nights.

Turn down the temperature 

Even a few degrees more or less on your heater can make a big difference to your energy bills with finding that every extra degree adds 10% to your energy usage.

It can be tricky to find the "magic" temperature number for you and your household but industry experts suggest between 18-20 degrees is just right.

Once you've selected the right temperature, remember to close all the windows and aim to keep most interior doors closed so that only the most popular area of your home - such as the living room and kitchen - is enjoying the warmth.

Also don't forget to turn off your heater at night and when you go out.

Energy price increases. Tips to avoid bill shock
With energy price increases in place, implement a few simple hacks to avoid bill shock.

Upgrade your appliances

Think energy-efficient light globes and shower heads and switching to an energy-smart fridge, dishwasher, washing machine and clothes dryer.

All of these fixtures and fittings are growing in popularity so you'll be more likely to find them at a cheaper price than their older, energy-high cousins. with LED light globes available at your local supermarket being the perfect example.

Talking of clothes: aim to only use cold - rather than warm or hot - washes and to dry clothes naturally, either outside or with an indoor "clothes horse".

Take advantage of off-peak times

This idea is ideal for those with a flexible pricing, or time-of-use, energy plan.

Running your dishwasher or washing machine at an off-peak or lower usage time such as late at night or on a weekend can save you carloads of energy cash.

Switch off power points suggests that the standby energy needed for power-hungry appliances such as computers, televisions and microwaves can account for up to 3% of your home's total energy costs.

Energy Australia suggests this figure could be even higher with standby power zipping 10% of your energy.

While turning off all your power points can be a little annoying - both to remember to do and to "start all over again" with an appliance if need be - with energy price increases a short and sweet energy bill will make all this pain worthwhile.

Reconsider renewable energy

Many industry experts are already suggesting the energy crisis could be a game-changer for renewable energy sources.

It's certainly a great time to explore the possibilities of sun and wind energy to power your home and especially keep you warm this winter.

Tasmania and South Australia are already respectively using 100% and 60% of natural energy for their power, proving it can be done.

Don't delay, make a change today

We've left our favourite plan for last: comparing, and potentially switching, to a new energy provider and plan.

Before you groan at the thought of doing so, rest assured that with Moving Loop, this idea is as easy as buying a door snake.

We do all the hard yards of contacting energy providers and choosing which one offers the best deal for you - and yes, we can even help you switch to solar power to say nothing of helping you with top-notch energy rebates and concessions.

We also love taking care of all your removalist stresses if you're moving house, from finding and co-ordinating the ideal removalist, to helping you pack up.

And we've saved the best news to last - all our comparison services are free!

Visit Moving Loop to compare and switch and start saving.
